About Me

I began my career in education as a New York City Teaching Fellow. I worked in a NYC public middle school in Rockaway Park that implemented student-centered learning methodologies, utilized skill-based learning objectives and executed daily reflection exercises. 

Later on, I made a career change to adapt to my family’s needs. I took a position with a small company that matched me with families that required home instruction (homeschooling) for their children. I worked with middle and high school students with various educational and emotional needs. As their homeschooling science teacher, I provided individualized instruction across the spectrum of science subjects. 

Shortly after giving birth to my son, I founded my TpT store. Blessed with the opportunity to stay home and raise him, I devoted my free time to stay in education but in a different role. I used my TpT store as a platform to share my educational resources with schools, teachers and parents. As my son grew, so did my business and passion for curriculum design and ability to be a successful full-time teacher-author.

Today, I create new activities and find ways to improve the resource I’ve crafted over the years. I reflect on my experiences as a classroom and homeschooling educator and parent and use feedback from countless educators to ensure my resources keep teachers and student engaged and loving to learn. I provide short and long term support to parents, teachers and science departments using my teaching materials and curricula as well. 


New York Teaching Certification: Biology and General Sciences.

Master of Science Education, Secondary Education and Youth Services, Biology. CUNY Queens College, Flushing, New York, magna cum laude.

Bachelor of Science, Biology, Physics. Siena College, Loudonville, New York, cum laude.

Educational Philosophy

Education is not a stagnate process.  While teaching demands much planning and structure, it is also very spontaneous and requires constant evaluation and reevaluation of students. It is important to use ingenuity and adaptability to adjust to the many situations in the classroom. It is this ability coupled with creating an encouraging classroom culture that most benefits students and helps them achieve their full potential.

The application of learned material in hands-on activities keeps students engaged in scholarship and provides relevance to the world beyond the classroom. Without adding relevance or meaning to a lesson, students fail to value skills and knowledge in their everyday lives. Patience and determination to differentiate instruction, approach concepts from different angles, and introduce current issues in classroom discussions and reflections helps educators excel at this. Interdisciplinary instruction and incorporating skills and content from math, literacy and history promotes academic rigor and a greater appreciation for the connection between educational disciplines.  

While it is important to guide students with proper understanding of curriculum, it is also necessary to implement problem-based and student-centered learning methodologies. They provide strategies and skills that promote student leadership in initiating and creating positive learning environments. Educators should have a strong desire to help students become comfortable with their ability to learn and develop a sense of autonomy and accomplishment. Encouraging and nurturing a strong inquisitive spirit plays a vital role in helping students appreciate their academics and be successful in their lives after leaving the classroom.

Designing Curriculum

When creating educational materials, I make important considerations to ensure my resources provide a meaningful learning experience for your students. It is the expectation that my curricula and units help your students achieve mastery of science concepts and inquiry skills.

NGSS, State Standards and Beyond

My curricula and science units support Next Generation Science Standards but cover so much more. The additional subject matter is important for state standards that extend beyond NGSS and also provides a "first look" at content covered in AP science classes. Moreover, my curricula and units develop science, math and problem-solving skills with hands-on laboratories and student-centered learning activities.

Differentiated for Multiple Grade Bands

My curricula and units are most appropriate for two grade bands: 3-5 and 6-8. I develop activities that introduce and reinforce all major science concepts for students in these grades. How science is taught over these years is extremely diverse but my curricula and units provide the flexibility and adaptability required to accommodate students in these age groups.

Blooms Taxonomy Tiered Questioning

The resources and activities included in my curricula and science units probe different levels of learning. Presentations and passages help students develop a strong, first-order understanding of concepts. Activities probe their understanding of the concept, press them to make connections between those concepts and foster higher-order learning with more complex and abstract questions.

My Commitment to Educators

When you purchase educational resources from me, you can expect exceptional products and outstanding support.


My curricula and science units are jam-packed with differentiated educational tools. I engage low, mid and higher order levels of learning with thoughtful and stimulating activities. 


I respond to emails or contact form submissions every day of the week and usually within 12 hour. No question or concern is trivial. I am happy to provide technical and curricular assistance. 


I regularly revise and improve my curricula, units and individual activities to make sure my resources are error-free, current and addressing important educational trends.