Adaptable & Accommodating
My curricula and units include loads of content. They allow you flexibility to accommodate the needs and interests of your children.
Supports National Standards
Activities support national science standards but consider so much more. Enrichment will provide a thoughtful first look at high-yield AP topics.
Time-Variable Pacing
My materials will help you plan and pace science education over three-year time frames in a way that works best for YOUR children.
Made By a Homeschooler
Created by an educator with homeschooling experience for her own child and homebound students across Long Island.
Why are my science units and curricula well suited for homeschooling families?
- No textbooks are required. Reading passages with read-aloud and translation capability provide the literacy tools needed for your students.
- No subscription is needed to maintain access to teaching materials. A one time payment grants you lifetime access to all the resources you pay for - and updates to those resources. Use my activities year after year with the entire family or in your homeschool co-op.
- Budget-friendly lab activities. Labs are designed to stimulate higher order thinking with a wide variety of activities. Hands-on experiences require inexpensive or reusable materials that are easy to find at local department, hardware or retail stores.
- Notes for the teacher too. Your students may not be the only ones learning something - you may too. Presentations and student notes are comprehensive to assist educators as well.
Manageable chunks of information. My planning and pacing crafts lessons to cover just the right amount of information so to be meaningful without being overwhelming.
Always here to help.
If you need assistance with planning, pacing or implementing a curriculum or science unit with your family, please send me an email.
Homeschooling Reflections
I ask five questions to help tailor my curriculum so it works specifically for a family. These questions become especially important as children progress through middle school grades. Reflecting on these questions can help you – or help me help you – create a quality and meaningful science education for your family.
What are your child's short and long term academic goals?
Does your child have an interest in a specific area of science or other subject?
Is college or a certificate program important to your child's career?
Do you want to - or have to - align with your state's science standards?
Do you plan to move your child into a public, private or college prep school?

Consider an Interest-Free Payment Plan
My curricula offer the best value but are sold at the highest price point in my store. payment plans make these valuable resources affordable for all educators, parents and students.